Male Humans Are Not Good Leaders

Social research in the workplace has repeatedly proven that women make better leaders. “A study of 745 men and women leaders and aspiring leaders that we conducted with Watermark found that female bosses were rated as more supportive of career development by their direct reports.” If that quote was intriguing, I recommend you click on the link because there are

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Men are failing to rule the world effectively

Women are unfairly represented in leadership in governments, religions, and industries all over the world.  This article doesn’t touch religion, just government and industries. In spite of the fact that men have failed to create world peace, suitable living conditions for all humans, and negotiate fair and equitable distribution of world resources, they continue to be allowed to dominate leadership

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Toxic masculinity

I recently read an absolutely ridiculous treatise on femininity.  The author blames women and feminism for “destroying nearly everything that had remained for the and failing modern man.” As if that’s even a coherent sentence. At least the author admits that men are failing, but rather than blaming men, he blames women.  He’s not the only man out there who

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Admit it, Women Belong on Top

I recently read that Hitler was probably bisexual, and that probably tortured him as a “tough guy.” We all know the alt-right in the US despises sexual and gender fluidity, insisting that women belong barefoot and pregnant, doing their duty to the human race, and that men belong in positions of power.  As a matter of fact, an alt-right website

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Calling on The Sisterhood

I’m an impoverished white woman. In spite of my poverty, I am intelligent and I’m not lazy. I’ve gone back to college 4 times, which is technically not a degree, but in between those times I have started and run several small businesses. A few were my own, a few were my ex husbands and a few of my involvements

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How Male Dominance Has Fucked With Cultural Evolution

Wikipedia defines marriage as “an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually sexual, are acknowledged or sanctioned. In some cultures, marriage is recommended or considered to be compulsory before pursuing any sexual activity.” Bet even as recently as 1997, it has been described by anthropologist Duran Bell as a relationship “that provides men with a demand-right of sexual access within a domestic group and identifies women who

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This is NOT Feminism

Many people mistakenly believe that matriarchy is the goal of feminism and that’s not the case. The feminist wants equality, but a matriarchy isn’t equality. In a matriarchy, men are powerless. Just like women are right now in the current patriarchy that plagues the earth. A few females in high positions does not make for equality. In the US only 18.3%

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